Our Marriage!!


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well, Thanksgiving was good, every thing went well except for Anngee, she got sick. It was fun getting to see Anngee's parents. They are such nice people. We love it when Pat comes, we don't get to see him as much as we would like, he's a good kid,we're glad he's ours.
Jeff got more work in this week. His work is moving to a new shop, and there's alot of stuff to move, and get up and running, so he got to help a little bit.We are so glad that they let Jeff go back to work there, I think it helped alot the fact that Shane is there, he put in a good word for us.
We went to Leana and Calvin's house yesterday. We called and asked if we could come by and drop off a gift, and they invited us to dinner. We had so much fun, great food, and we laughed alot, Tom and his wife and Tammy and her husband was there also. What fun it is to get to see Leana, and her cute family. We found out she has a blog too, so now we can keep up with each others family. I love the fact that we don't have to write a whole lot of letter's to every one and then mail them off. This is much easier. I remember mother writing letters to grandma Leany and grandma Eyre, I'm just not that good. Thank goodness for technology, even though I'm not good at this computer stuff, I do enjoy reading blogs
Our baby Ivy is doing okay, she has one more operation to get done on the intestines, then maybe after she heals from that surgery ,we can go see her again.Rochelle and Scott just keep plugging along, they are such good troopers.
Anngee and Shane have been decorating for Christmas. Anngee is in the process of painting a scene on her front window, all my daughter's are so good at doing that kind of thing. Anngee is quite the home interior decorater. Her home always looks so cute.
It's Sunday morning, and time for me to get ready for church. I hope all is well with every one. Bye for now.


Annette said...

I am glad that you had a nice thanksgiving. I already added a link for Leana's blog on my page. I think her whole family uses the same blog. Sounds like your family is doing good.

Anngee and Shane said...

I'm glad you guys got to go out and spend some time with your sister and her family. Thanks about my decorating but I do have to say my window painting turned out pretty good for me doing it!

Nadine said...

I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and it sounds like fun to get to visit with Leana and Calvin. Your girls aren't the only ones good at decorating their windows I remember you doing mine once.

Jackson Family said...

Hey I think I figured out how to leave a comment. I'll figure this whole blog thing out yet. It was soooooo great to get to see you and jeff. we really enjoyed the evening and so did the kids. I remember you painting and drawing alot too. Your girls must have inherited that from you. I'm glad Ivy is still doing o.k. She is in our prayers daily.