Our Marriage!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just another update on us.

Just Well, it's Wednesday afternoon,and it's been a while since I've last posted, so I guess I'll tell you whats going on with us.We really have a rather boreing life. A while ago I pulled weeds,and every since then my back has been sore. It is so annoying, I just want it to go back to normal, but it's still making my life difficult.But oh well that's the way it is.
A couple of month's ago I decided I should try and do some indexing. So I downloaded a batch of names to do, poor dad had to come over and help me with it several times. I got exasperated cause I was having a hard time getting the hang of it. So I told dad I was too stupid to do indexing.Well as it turned out,me and Jeff got a new calling this week,and we are now indexing teachers, I told the Bishop we really needed a good blessing when we got set apart, because me and Jeff are not good with computers and we would need to have help to show us how to do it, so we could teach other's.As it turned out we've been indexing a couple of days and I think we are getting the hang of it.It's not as bad as I thought it would be.
Our Tippy is growing and still very playful, but he is so much fun. I have made him several toys,and he has been playing with them nonstop. Dolly and tippy get along well,and we are so glad he's with us.
Summer has brought some changes for us, we don't get to clean the buildings that we have been doing, because Kim(the guy we would work for)boy's came home for summer break, so they are doing what we used to do. Plus one of the boy's I watched is staying home for the summer,and a teenage realative is watching him for the summer so we are really going to have to pinch pennies.
The weather is warm, which is great cause,we like the heat better than the cold,so we aren't complaining. But it's going to be a little bit cooler this week.It's Memorial Day this Monday, and we have nothing planned, we will just be home doing the same thing we always do. But we hope every one has a super extended weekend, and that you enjoy each others company. Have fun!!


Rochelle Brunson said...

I think you got that calling because you are the youngest couple in the ward! you may not know a lot about computers, but at least your not still communicating by drawing pictures on stone walls like everyone else! Ha ha!

Anngee and Shane said...

Sorry that your back is hurt and that your income will be cut down. You will be great at indexing. It always takes some time to get the hang of something.