Our Marriage!!


Monday, January 4, 2010


It's a new year,I am hoping things get better...but, I'm not going to hold my breath! We had a super fun Christmas, It's so much fun watching children open gifts!!! Jesse and Kimi brought in thier air mattress and slept on the frontroom floor, so they could make sure Santa didn't wake the kids when he came in, I'll post a picture, it was crowded but sooo much fun! We exchanged names with Jesse and Kimi's family, so on Christmas eve ,we had our Christmas dinner and told the Christmas story from the bible ,and opened our gifts that we drew names for. ...This was the latest i've ever slept in for Christmas, we opened presents at 8:30 a.m. We got awesome gifts from our children, lots of pictures of our beautiful grandchildren, everyone knows how much we love picture's. Kimi and Jesse gave us tickets for a dinner and a movie,plus cute picture's, Max and Mark made us a levi quilt, plus pictures, Shane and Anngee gave us a movie a book and a fingernail conditioning kit, plus a picture of Brax. Chelle and Scott gave us beautiful framed picture's of thier children, and Britt and Raymond gave us picture's of thier children.Dad and Dockie gave us money and we gave them money, so all in all we were super spoiled. And I might add we have the most beautiful grandchildren ever, just come to our house and look at all thier picture's.
On New year's we watched a bunch of good movies, with Kimi and Jesse, and then went outside and watched the fireworks at Midnight, and yelled happy New Year to everyone, then went to bed. The next day we had to throw out everything in our freezer, cause somehow the freezer got turned off, and everything it there was thawed and warm. I thought this is a great start to the new year. Our furnace quit working a couple of weeks before Christmas, we spent $132.00 on a part to fix it.... it still doesn't work, soooo thank heavens for the space heaters we have, and the fact we live in St. George, we manage to keep the house at at least 70 degree's , so it's all good.
Our dog Corky is having issue's, he went blind a couple of weeks before Christmas, we think he has cateracts, we can't afford to take him to the vet to have his eye's fixed, he was still doing okay untill a couple of day's ago, I think we may have to put him down, I'm not sure yet.
We are loving having Kimi's family live with us, we don't have to worry about thing's being too quiet. The girls are doing good in school, and little Jesse loves to play nintendo 64, the kids play outside alot, and they have alot of energy. We have kittens and cat's everywhere, and needless to say I have a new kitty, Precious. Kimi and Jesse inherited Britts cat mow mow, and it loves to hop in the dryer when we take clothes out of it, he's a strange silly but pretty cat. He's totally little Jesse's cat, they love each other and sleep by each other. The kittens are fun to watch play with each other.
Our ward indexing ended at 281,065 names, so we exceeded our goal,the bishop was very pleased, we don't know the goal for this year yet, we will find out this week at ward conferance, i'm sure.
We hope all is well with everyone and that you all have a prosperous new year, till next time,Keep Smiling!!