Our Marriage!!


Monday, July 5, 2010

June is gone!

June was a month of getting things back to normal,and rearranging rooms to fit different beds. I started by cleaning out closets,lots of them,then figuring out what to put where.We had to put our 4 poster bed in the guest room, because we traded Kimi our bunk beds for her king size bed. It was a chore, but we finally got it done. We moved around the furniture around in our frontroom so we could put our couch under the window so Dolly could see outside easier. We also were able to get out my cat decorations and put them back out. Then we needed to clean out the trailer, that took one very warm day of cleaning to get everything clean and back to normal. But if I had it to do all over again I would take Kimi's family back in a heartbeat if they needed to come back again. I love them and miss them,and thier cats.
We were saddened by the news that uncle Arnold passed away early in the month of june(june 7) we will miss him We will be going to his memorial later this week, we will be going with dad and Dockie,it will be country I haven't seen before so the ride should be nice. I've heard Solvang is in pretty country.
We went to Pam's wedding in Richfield, it was a beautiful wedding, everything went off well and the Dinner was very good,and we enjoyed getting to see family. After the dinner me and Jeff headed to West Jordan,we went to Kimi's house,and we got to see our children that live in that area. We went for the purpose of seeing Jeff's brother who was in intensive care earlier in the week, he is doing better and we hope he has a speedy recovery,when he gets out of the hospital he has to go to a rehab center to help him recover better. Penny looked tired,but she seems to be doing okay, it's alot of stress, I'm sure.
Our new addition Petal is doing really good,she's adjusted to us and our home and the two other animals we have. She loves to cuddle, she talks alot,and she is soooo hairy,she leaves pieces of her hair everywhere,but she is cute and well loved. I watch our little neighbor boy next door,his name is Xave,and he loves to chase the kitties,so they go into hiding when he is around. Petal doesn't seem interested in going outside,so she is basically our only indoor cat, Dolly and fluffy go out whenever they want through the doggie door, and Petal watche's but never follows them out.
We went and saw Eclipse for my birthday ,and we both thought it was a really good movie, it's the first time we had to wait in line to see a twilight movie, but all in all it was a good time ,the people in line were freindly ,so the wait wasn't bad. I'm now in my last year of the fifties, crazy how fast time goes by. We enjoyed the fireworks on the 3rd of July , they were pretty and it wasn't to hot outside, there was a breeze so it felt nice .
I guess that's it for me this month, so till next time "Keep Smiling"


Anngee and Shane said...

June did fly by fast but it sounds like it was busy and that July will be as well. Although it is under sad circumstances I hope you have a good time going to California. And before you know it we will be there for our little visit. See you soon and be safe:)